Monday 28 October 2013

How to increase website traffic

Improve your internet presense1.Offer free,orginal and quality content on your site
2.Supplement your orginal content
3.Trying to get more backlnes on your website this may help to increase traffic
4.Improve your search engines ranking
5.Get linked
6.Use social midea like facebook,google+,twetter,orkut etc
7.Advertise your presense
8.Give freebies patient
10.Us all of these free techniques to increase traffic to your website

Improve your site1.Balance your page
2.Clean backgrounds
3.For easy navigation,you should create a toolbar with links that are easy to navigate and position the toolbar in an area that makes sense
4.Text readability should make your pages easy to read,break up blocks of text and create short paragraphs
5.Horizontal scrolling
6.Make it quick

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